The Sailors of the Dublin Bay TwentyOnes is an unincorporated association which supports the revival of the TwentyOnes by mustering crews to sail the boats in all races and events held for the Class in the vicinity of Dublin Bay during the sailing season, May to October.  the membership income generated by the Sailors contributes to the annual costs of maintaining and operating the fleet. The Sailors of Dublin Bay TwentyOnes is managed by a committee elected by the members, who organise and administer the annual operations including allocating skippers and crews.  We have an extensive calendar anchored on the DBSC summer racing programme, but also including club regattas, leisure sails, cruising and day trips - all which serve to upskill members in handling traditional rigged classic boats.  Membership of the Sailors is open to all sailors and enthusiasts of varying skills and experience who complete the online application form found on this website.