Tuesday 18 May 2024 Race Report

As usual all 4 Twentyone boats prepared to set out to race however crew numbers were reduced to 17 due to various work commitment clashes. Forecast was northerly 15 – 20 kts and on arrival in Dun Laoghaire it was evident that there was a stiff breeze with a short choppy sea as is often the case with northerly winds. These conditions make for more challenging conditions therefore the correct decision to reef was confirmed before departing the shore.

Conditions within the harbour was very choppy during rigging and one of Estelle’s crew members was knocked over by the boom, falling backwards in the cockpit, and injured her back. She wisely decided to go ashore to be checked out and thankfully reports that she is well after taking some painkillers. This brings home to all that great care is needed at all times, but particularly in choppy / lively conditions.

High tide was 22.05 provided a rising tide throughout the race. Due to the wind direction, DBSC Tuesday course Q3 was displayed with green line start from the hut. This gave the course as Ls, Ks, Vs, Bp, Xp, (Merrion, Boyd, Pier, Saoirse and Turning), with the usual orange finish line.

 Meanwhile, in fresh wind, which got up to 22 kts during the race, and with wind against the flood tide, three boats started at the pin end. Estelle had a delayed start due to the crew member going ashore but joined in later after the fleet.

On the way out to the start Naneen needed to adjust the rigging while underway and consequently arrived at the start area after the 5-minute warning was sounded. They then got confused about the course initially thinking it was course D – 1st Mark Asgard, and starting from the other side of the line, which influenced their prestart to dial up.

On start run, Naneen pushed Geraldine up to the green start mark causing Geraldine to do a 360 to avoid going over the line. Karma came into play though with Naneen then being too early and over the line while Geraldine had recovered to make a perfect start with Garavogue. Naneen ducked back but lost some distance on the others which was difficult to make up.

On the beat out to Merrion Garavogue sailed very well while Geraldine had trouble sheeting in the jib in the high winds and three times got snagged on the mast belay pins. As a result, Garavogue was first to Merrion closely followed by Geraldine then Naneen, who got caught with a wind shift before the mark, and Estelle taking up the rear. On the run out to Boyd, then a reach to Pier, the order remained the same. The beat to Saoirse was uneventful and while Geraldine fought hard to take the lead Garavogue retained prime position as the fleet rounded Saoirse with no change in the order. Estelle decided to retire after Pier mark heading home well before the others.

The broad reach to Turning saw a close match between Garavogue and Geraldine but Garavogue used every trick in the book to stay ahead and a small number of seconds separated the pair at the finish. Naneen never recovered from their poor start and, while sailing well, were unable to make ground on the leaders.

Final result

  1. Garavogue
  2. Geraldine
  3. Naneen
  4. Estelle DNF
The NE wind and chop made for challenging conditions in picking up the moorings. In such conditions a practice approach should be considered, and skippers and crew should always be prepared to abandon a pickup and come around again. There are plans to move the moorings out further form the pier to provide more sea room, particularly in westerly / NW conditions, and it is hope that this will happen within the next week or so.

Back ashore in the NYC, initial thoughts were for the injured crew however she reported all was fine and is looking forward to the next outing.

Next race is on Saturday 22 June which is a return to the DBSC series.